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Squirrels are energetic and resourceful creatures that can be delightful to watch in the wild. However, when they invade gardens, damage property, or raid bird feeders, they can quickly become a nuisance. If you’re struggling with unwanted squirrel activity, there are humane and effective ways to...

Generally, the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) in the UK has legislated through the Wildlife and Countryside Act...
There’s currently no hard evidence to prove whether this year (2024) has more flies nationwide than in previous years. However,...
As summer draws nearer, fly problems can quickly become like a bad dream that simply won’t end! Sometimes in the warmer weather it’s nice...
Dealing with a fly infestation in your restaurant can be a frustrating ordeal. Not only do flies pose a health risk, but they can also...
An infestation of flies can be serious health risk, as well as an awful experience! Anyone who has found their house suddenly buzzing with...
What is a bed bug sniffing dog? A bed bug sniffing dog is a dog that has been specially trained to detect bed bugs through their scent,...