Still Have Bed Bugs After 3 Treatments? Here’s What to Do

24 July 2024
by Tracy

Bed bugs are the bane of many households and businesses. If you’ve gone through three chemical treatments and those pesky critters are still crawling about, you’re not alone. It’s a frustrating situation that leaves many people scratching their heads (and other body parts). 

But don’t throw in the towel just yet, as there are more effective solutions available. Let’s take a closer look at why those chemical treatments might have fallen short and explore some methods that can finally give those bed bugs their marching orders.

The trouble with chemical treatments

Chemical treatments are the go-to method for many pest control companies, mainly because they’re cheaper than other options. But as the saying goes, you get what you pay for. Here’s why chemical treatments often don’t cut the mustard:

They’re bad at killing eggs

Many chemical treatments are about as effective at killing bed bug eggs as a chocolate teapot. They might knock out the adults and youngsters, but those eggs are tougher than a two-pound steak. Once they hatch, you’re back to square one.

They rely on human eyesight 

Chemical treatments usually involve a technician playing a high-stakes game of hide and seek with the bed bugs. The problem? Bed bugs are masters of disguise and smaller than an apple seed. It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack, except the needle can move and doesn’t want to be found.

Bed bugs are getting wise to our tricks 

Some bed bugs have developed a resistance to common pesticides. It’s almost like decades of products being used on them have built up immunity. So even if the spray hits them, they might just shake it off and carry on with their day. 

It’s a long, drawn-out process 

Standard chemical treatments usually involve three visits over a week. That’s a lot of time for the sneaky survivors to regroup and repopulate. Plus, it means your space is out of action for longer than necessary.

It’s not exactly a health tonic 

Chemical residues can hang around long after the treatment, which isn’t ideal when you’re trying to sleep in that same space. It’s hardly a recipe for sweet dreams.

The heat treatment solution: turning up the heat on bed bugs

If chemical treatments have let you down, it’s time to bring out the big guns: heat treatment. This method is like cranking up the thermostat to “surface of the sun” levels, and bed bugs simply can’t handle the heat. Here’s why it’s so effective:

  • It’s a bed bug apocalypse. Heat treatment, when done properly by professionals, is the bed bug equivalent of Judgement Day. It wipes out all life stages, from eggs to adults. No survivors, no exceptions.
  • One and done. Unlike chemical treatments that drag on for many days, heat treatment is typically a one-day affair. It’s in, heat up, cool down, and out. Your space is back to normal before you know it.
  • It’s green and clean. Heat treatment doesn’t leave any nasty chemical residues behind. It’s safe for humans, pets and the environment. Mother Nature approves.
  • Nowhere to hide. Heat doesn’t discriminate. It penetrates every nook and cranny, reaching places that sprays can’t. Those bed bugs can run, but they can’t hide.

Choose your weapon with these types of heat treatment

When it comes to heat treatment, you’ve got two main options:

Whole room heat treatment: the nuclear option

This is the big kahuna of bed bug treatments. It involves heating an entire room to over 50°C for more than 90 minutes. It’s like turning your room into a giant oven, except instead of a delicious roast, you’re cooking up bed bug annihilation.


  • It’s a guaranteed bed bug killer. Nothing survives this heat wave.
  • No need to play detective and find individual bugs. If it’s in the room, it’s toast.
  • It’s not just bed bugs that cop it. Fleas, mites, and other creepy-crawlies don’t stand a chance either.


  • It’s not cheap. But then again, neither is replacing all your furniture because of bed bugs.
  • It requires careful execution. You don’t want any cold spots where bugs might survive.

Dog-assisted spot heat treatment: the precision strike

This method combines the super-sniffer abilities of trained dogs with targeted heat application. Think of it as having a canine MI5 agent track down the bed bugs, then zapping them with a heat ray.


  • These dogs are scent superstars. They can find bed bugs with about 98% accuracy.
  • It’s more wallet-friendly than whole room treatment.
  • Great for regular screening to catch infestations before they get out of hand.


  • Slightly less reliable than whole room treatment. But still leagues ahead of chemical sprays.
  • Requires skilled dog handlers and well-trained dogs. Not just any old Fido will do.

Heat treatment decision time

When you’re deciding between these methods, consider:

  • How bad is your infestation? If it’s a full-on bed bug party, whole room treatment might be your best bet.
  • What’s your budget? Dog-assisted treatment is cheaper, but whole room treatment offers more certainty.
  • How big is the area? Whole room treatment for a mansion might break the bank.
  • How quickly do you need the space back? Both are faster than chemical treatment, but dig assisted treatment is usually quicker overall and can be used to clear an entire multi storey hotel in just a couple of hours.

The benefits of professional Heat treatment

While you might be tempted to rent some industrial heaters and DIY it, resist the urge. Professional heat treatment offers several advantages:

  • Expertise in bug behaviour. Pest control pros understand how bed bugs think (or whatever passes for thinking in a bed bug’s tiny brain). They know where to look for cold spots and can predict how the bugs might try to escape the heat.
  • Proper equipment. Professional-grade heaters and thermal imaging technology provide even heat distribution. No cold spots means no bug survivors.
  • Safety first. Heating a room to 50°C-plus isn’t without risks. Professionals know how to do it safely without damaging your property.
  • Comprehensive approach. A good pest control company will also check adjoining rooms. Bed bugs can travel surprisingly fast (about 1.5 metres per minute), so containing the spread is crucial.
  • Peace of mind. With professional treatment, you get a guarantee. If any bugs survive (which is unlikely), they’ll come back and sort it out.

Summary: feel the heat

If you’re still locked in a battle with bed bugs after multiple chemical treatments, it’s time to change tactics. Heat treatment, whether whole room or dog-assisted, offers a more reliable, efficient and safe solution to your bed bug woes. Don’t let these blood-sucking squatters continue to make your life miserable. Explore heat treatment options today with Merlin and show those bed bugs who’s boss. Your bed bug-free future is just a heat wave and a bark away.