Can Cockroaches Live In Your Penis? (Expert Answer)

25 January 2023
by Tracy

You’re probably here because you heard or read that cockroaches can live in your penis. This claim went viral on social media in 2022. Thankfully, this information is categorically NOT TRUE.

Cockroaches do not live in the human penis.

Why some people think cockroaches live in your penis:

In March 2022, a meme went viral on social media, which suggested that cockroaches can live in a human penis.

The meme depicts a screenshot from Google, allegedly confirming that cockroaches do live in penises, as it states; “Absolutely! It’s totally normal, too. Usually over the course of a year, 5-10 cockroaches will crawl into your penis hole while you are asleep (this is how they got the name ‘cock’ roach) and you won’t notice a thing,”

However, as mentioned above, this information is totally false and the popular screenshot was in fact edited, to convey this misinformation, as Google does not show this answer when you search for “can cockroaches live in your penis”.

Can cockroaches get into other human bodily orifices?

Yes. Cockroaches have been known to enter various bodily cavities including ears and nose, but not the penis. And according to entomologist Coby Schal of North Carolina State University, it’ not uncommon for cockroaches to enter ears and noses.

Below is a video of a medical extraction of a cockroach from a woman’s nose. Apparently, the cockroach had entered while the woman slept

According to Natural Geographic, one hospital in South Africa pulled 10 cockroaches out of patients’ ears over a 2-year period.

Which cockroach lives inside humans?

The German Cockroach is the species that has been known to crawl into humans. This breed of cockroach is quite small.

All accounts of cockroach extractions from human orifices related to German Cockroaches.

Don’t let the name “German Cockroach” fool you into thinking that you’re safe if you stay out of Germany either. The German cockroach, lives all over the world, including Africa, North America and Europe (including the UK).

From over 4,600 different species of cockroach globally, the German Cockroach is the world’s most common and invasive species.

Can German Cockroaches live in a penis?

German cockroaches are small, and baby German Cockroaches are even smaller, but they do not live in your penis.

There have been no recorded cases of cockroaches being extracted from human penises.

The reason cockroaches may end up in a nose and ear is because they are looking for food, and they want to eat your earwax or mucus.

Holes leading into ears and noses are wide open, and contain cockroach food (earwax/mucus). Penis holes on the other hand are not wide open, and the male urethra leads to no food for cockroaches.

Origins of the name “cockroach”

The viral meme suggested that the very name ‘cockroach’ confirms of the penis-based habitat of the insect, because in English, slang for penis is “cock”. However, this assertion is completely false.

The name “cockroach” in fact comes from the Spanish word for cockroach, “cucaracha”, transformed in the 1620s into “cockroach” The “Cuca” part of the Spanish word “Cucaracha” comes from Latin and Greek words that mean caterpillar.

Where do cockroaches actually live? (if not the penis)

Cockroaches are found almost everywhere in the world, including in homes, businesses, and outdoors. They prefer warm, humid environments and are often found in kitchens, bathrooms, basements, and attics. The most common domestic living quarters for cockroaches are:

• Behind and under appliances and furniture
• In cracks and crevices
• In wall voids
• In drains
• In and around garbage
• In cardboard boxes
• In basements and attics

Cockroaches are attracted to warm, moist, and dark environments. They like to set up camp near food and water. Common attractants include food crumbs, spilled drinks, leaky pipes, wet paper towels, and food debris.

What to do if you have a cockroach problem

If you have a cockroach infestation, you should seek professional assistance from a reputable pest control company such a Merlin Environmental. You should never squash cockroaches for two important reasons:

  • You might spread their pathogens around your home on your shoe.
  • If the cockroach is carrying eggs you might cause the eggs to spread around your home, which may lead to even more cockroaches.