You found something that looks like mouse poo, but you’re not 100% sure. Ah the process of elimination – first, consider of all the other possible things that it could be, before concluding whether you have a mouse problem. A smart approach.
Well, the good news is that not many things look like mouse poo.
The bad news is that many of the other things that look like mouse poo but aren’t, indicate a problem that’s even worse than mice!
What does mouse poo look like?
Mouse droppings are typically small, about 3 to 6 mm in length, and have a rod-shaped, pointed appearance. They are usually dark in colour, ranging from black to brown. They look similar in size/shape to a grain of rice.

What looks like mouse poo but isn’t?
1. Cockroach poo
Size and Shape: Cockroach droppings are much smaller than mouse droppings and can vary in size depending on the species of cockroach. They often appear as small, black specks or pepper-like substances, which can be mistaken for coffee grounds or black pepper. Some larger species, like the American cockroach, produce droppings that are more cylindrical and ridged, resembling mouse droppings. But the American cockroach is very rarely found in the UK. The UK’s most common cockroach species is the German cockroach, which is one of the smallest species.
Colour: The colour of cockroach droppings is generally black or dark brown, similar to mouse droppings.
Location and Pattern: Cockroach droppings are often found in areas where the insects hide or travel, such as along edges or in corners, and on horizontal surfaces like shelves and cabinets. Unlike mice, which leave droppings scattered and more randomly, cockroaches tend to leave droppings in a more clustered or linear pattern.
Smear Marks: In addition to solid droppings, cockroaches may also leave smear marks if water is abundant in their environment. These marks are not characteristic of mouse activity.

2. Bat poo
Appearance: Bat droppings are generally about the size of a grain of rice, elongated, and segmented. They are similar in size to mouse droppings but are usually more elongated and less rounded.
Texture: Unlike mouse droppings, which are hard, bat droppings crumble easily into a fine powder when touched.
Colour: Like mouse droppings, bat guano is typically dark in colour, but it may have a slightly shiny appearance due to the insect parts.
Location: Bat droppings are usually found beneath where bats roost, such as in attics, caves, or under eaves. They accumulate in piles, unlike mouse droppings, which are scattered.

3. Rat poo
Rat poo and mouse poo look very similar, but there are a few notable differences you can look out for:
Size: Rat droppings are larger than mouse droppings. They are typically about 12 to 20 mm in length, which is noticeably bigger than the 3 to 6 mm droppings of mice.
Shape: Rat droppings are more banana-shaped or spindle-shaped with blunt ends, while mouse droppings tend to be more rod-shaped and pointed at the ends.
Colour: The colour of rat droppings can be similar to mouse droppings, usually dark brown or black, but this can vary depending on the diet of the rodent.
Quantity: Rats produce fewer droppings than mice, but because of their size, rat droppings are more noticeable.

Do you know what pest you have?
By now you should hopefully know which pest left the poo behind so you can take the first steps in getting rid of them. Whichever pest it is, rest assured we can help get rid of it. If you’re still not sure what type of poo you’ve spotted, then call us for a free consultation. Get in touch with us today.
Warning: If you suspect mouse dropping, do not touch them. They can cause serious illness.