What Happens if you Disturb a Rat’s Nest? (The Risks)

10 October 2023
by Tracy

A rat’s nest is the place where rats live. The characteristics and materials of a rat’s nest can vary based on the species of rat, the surrounding environment, and available resources. The most common question people who discover a rat’s nests ask is, “What happens if I disturb the rat’s nest?”. In this post we’ll answer exactly that, so you know what the risks are as well as how you can get rid of a rat’s nest.

How may rats live in a rat’s nest?

The number of rats in a nest can vary widely based on the species, availability of resources, the environment, and other factors. A single nest can house an extended family of several dozen rats, depending on the available space and food supply. Typically, indoor nests will contain only about 5 – 10 rats.

Litters and Reproduction

A single female rat can produce multiple litters in a year, with each litter containing 6-12 pups. In environments with ample food and shelter, populations can explode in a short period. Young rats can start reproducing as early as three months old, contributing to rapid population growth.

Rats often live in colonies that include a mix of family groups, with nests located close to one another. In areas with enough food, it’s not uncommon to have significant populations of rats living in a network of interconnected nests.

If you think you’ve found a rat’s nest, you may in fact have discovered an entire colony of nests so be careful.

Risks of disturbing a rat’s nest

While your first instinct might be to disturb the nest, there are several risks associated with doing so. These are listed below:

1. Rat Aggression

When threatened, especially when protecting their young, rats can become aggressive. A frightened or provoked rat may bite, which can be painful and potentially lead to infections. Rat bites can transmit diseases such as rat-bite fever, which can result in fever, joint pain, rash, and other symptoms if not treated.

2. Spread of Diseases

Rats are known carriers of various diseases that can be harmful to humans. Disturbing their nest can lead to the scattering of contaminated droppings, urine, and nesting materials. Among the illnesses rats can transmit are:

  • Leptospirosis: Spread through rat urine, this bacterial disease can lead to kidney damage, meningitis, liver failure, and, in some cases, death.
  • Hantavirus: Found in the droppings, urine, and saliva of infected rodents. If the virus becomes airborne and inhaled, it can lead to Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome, a severe respiratory disease.
  • Salmonellosis: If rat faeces contaminate food sources, it can cause salmonella infection, leading to diarrhoea, fever, and abdominal cramps.

3. Exposure to Parasites

Rats can harbour fleas, mites, ticks, and lice. Disturbing a nest can release these parasites into your environment. Fleas, for instance, can transmit the bubonic plague, a rare but severe disease.

4. Rat Infestation

If you do not handle the nest properly, you might scatter the rats instead of removing them. This can lead to a more widespread infestation as the rats seek new places to establish nests.

5. Property Damage

While trying to eradicate the nest, you might unintentionally cause damage to your property. Rats might chew through wiring, pipes, insulation, and more as they flee from the disturbed area.

How to remove a rat’s nest safely

To remove a rat’s nest safely you fist need to eliminate the rats. Rat poison is highly effective for this. But using poison is risky and you need to be careful. Children and pets should have no access to it. If you are in any doubt about the safety of removing a rats nest you should hire professionals.

Only once all the rats are gone, you can remove the physical nest. Nest removal should be done wearing full PPE gear because of the health risks involved.

Removing rats and mice involves the very same process. We’ve discussed getting rid of mice here, which you can follow for getting rid of rats too.

The easiest and most reliable way to get rid of rats and their nests is to hire an expert to do it for you as they will have all the equipment and years of experience to do the job effectively.

At Merlin, we can help get rid of your rats. We have full coverage across the UK and Ireland and we can be anywhere within 24 hours. Get in touch with us today.