What Killed Mickey Mouse? Nothing! Here’s Why …

18 December 2023
by Tracy

Mickey mouse is an iconic Disney character. Recently rumours have gone viral on Ticktock claiming that he died.

The idea of the death of the Disney character originated from an unreliable website, and has since been broadcast as fact across Ticktock going viral.

The unreliable website presents a variety of reasons for Mickey’s death, such as that he disintegrated when the Beast yelled at him, his heart exploded, and that he disintegrated after separating from Minnie.

Is Mickey Mouse dead?

No. Absolutely not. People are Googling “What killed Mickey Mouse” because of false information spread across Ticktock. In fact, Mickey is more alive than ever before, for reasons we’ll go into in just a moment.

If Mickey Mouse died, what would his death look like?

If Mickey Mouse died it would effectively be the discontinuation of the character by Disney. However, it’s extremely unlikely that Mickey’s death would in any way be gruesome since Disney’s primary audience consists of children. So, straight away, any story claiming that Mickey Mouse’s heart exploded, is a dead giveaway of fake news.

Is it likely that Mickey Mouse will die soon?

Nope. It’s extremely unlikely that Mickey Mouse will die any time soon. Mickey Mouse was created in 1928. That makes him 95 years old at time of writing. He’s already outlived most people born around the same time and he will probably outlive anyone reading this post.


If you look at the history of Disney character deaths, the protagonist (main character) doesn’t tend to die. Characters that normally die are friends and family of the main character, or the bad guys.

Here are some examples of Disney characters who have died:

  • Mufasa: Simba’s father in Lion King
  • Scar: Simba’s evil uncle in Lion King
  • Aslan: The lion character from The Chronicles of Narnia
  • Ursula: The evil character from Little Mermaid
  • Tarzan’s Parents: from Tarzan
  • The Evil Queen: From Snow White

Why Mickey Mouse is more alive now, than ever before?

Mickey mouse did not die. In fact, he’s more alive than ever before. This is because until now, only Disney have been allowed to reproduce the Mickey Mouse image. But from January 2024, anyone can do it because the copyright that protects his image is expiring. So, you could see a whole spate of non-Disney Mickey Mouse animations emerging. Check out the video below that goes into detail on this.

How to kill Mickey Mouse

Whether you love him or hate him, there’s no way to kill the `Mickey Mouse character, but for all non-Disney mouse problems you have Merlin pest control.